LifeLearnU offers quality classes & training to support health systems that provide personal care to our most vulnerable populations.
- Class sizes are appropriate for room size and seating.
- QMAP Classes & Testing sessions provide individual equipment, frequent hand hygiene, and no activities that require direct personal contact among students.
- Equipment is cleaned & sanitized between every class.
- If you are considered a high-risk individual - older than 70 years of age or someone with underlying health conditions, please consult your medical provider to determine if attending a public class is appropriate for you at this time. Review our cancellation policy BEFORE registering for an event.
- If you have had known, direct exposure to an individual with any Flu-Like Illness or have experienced signs of any illness, do not register for any event sooner than 2 weeks from today.
- Nurse instructors retain the right to ask students to leave and reschedule if clear signs of illness are present.