This training is designed for the general public, ages 16+. Encouraged for all organizations, groups types, and individuals. Mock weapons and scenarios utilized in this training. No weapons or conceal carry of any kind permitted in class.
Our Authorized Instructors offer AVERT Active Violence Training through Nationally-Recognized HSI (Health & Safety Institute).
Prepare your group, organization, or place of business for incidents of active violence. Learn the signs of impending danger, recognize an emergency, and be encouraged to take life-saving action for yourself and others. This program covers violence awareness, escape/evade/attack, and bleeding control. Adapted for the general public.
Offered as a hybrid online/in-person program. Self-paced online study ahead of in-person, instructor-led training and skills practice (approximately 3 hours). 2 year AVERT Certification
Group Pricing Starting at Base $150 + $20 per student (up to 15 per class)
Single Student (pre-scheduled event): $45.00
Contact us for more information and scheduling: [email protected]